How to download documents from BOLT in CSV format?
You are a BOLT driver and you use our accounting office – you already know that we do everything to make your work easier and help you gain as much time as possible. Need to download documents in a CSV file? It will take you a few moments with this tutorial.
BOLT – Download CSV files easily and quickly
It only takes a few steps to download files in CSV format to your device. Here is the instruction:
1. Log in to the BOLT fleet portal – see picture below.
2. First, go to the tab on the left -> „Faktury za przejazdy” („Invoices for rides”). Then select the desired month.
3. Scroll down the page and click on the "Load more" box. Repeat the procedure until the window disappears (you will load all rides from the given month).
4. Scroll to the top of the page and click on the "Download CSV File" box (on the right).
That's it – as you can see, downloading a CSV file from BOLT is not difficult. You should already have a CSV file on your device. Do you have questions or concerns? Contact us.