The invoices based on the receipt disappear. Changes in law.
Entrepreneurs will no longer be able to issue invoices based on receipts. The government has approved the project of the Ministry of Finance, the changes will come into force on September 1. The ministry explains this by combating unfair practices and sealing VAT.
This is the end of the popular practice of people running a business. It will no longer be possible to issue invoices based on receipts. Currently, every entrepreneur has a lot of time to convert an ordinary receipt into an invoice, because as much as three months from the end of the month in which he made the purchase, received the goods or the service was provided. In practice, this often means nearly 4 months to issue an invoice.
As the Ministry of Finance explains, this led to a situation where businessmen collected other people's receipts, then took invoices for them, which increased the costs of running a business and avoided higher taxes. On the basis of invoices, they deducted VAT that they never actually paid. The ministry claims that such activities generate losses to the state budget of around PLN 1.5 billion annually.
In order to curb these practices, the Ministry of Finance prepared changes to the act on tax on goods and services. From September 1, it will no longer be possible to issue invoices based on a receipt. The entrepreneur will immediately have to request an invoice. There will be one exception, an invoice based on the receipt can only be issued if the receipt includes the buyer's NIP (tax identification number).
Penalties for both parties will be imposed for failure to comply with the new regulations. If the seller issues an invoice based on a regular receipt, he will be punished, according to the law, at the additional cost of the tax liability. It will be an amount equal to 100 percent. the amount of VAT indicated on the invoice. An entrepreneur will pay the same amount if the records include an invoice that does not comply with the amended law.
The regulations will enter into force on September 1, but at the beginning there will be a protection period. However, it will only apply to receipts issued before that date. That is, for each receipt taken by August 31, 2019, the entrepreneur will have three months to apply for an invoice. However, purchased goods or services from September 1 must have the tax identification number indicated on the receipt in order to be able to issue an invoice for them.
From the moment the amendment enters into force, sellers will be obliged to change internal procedures and inform their clients about changes in the law.