Amazon or Allegro? Which one is better and do we really have to choose between them?
Last year the popularity of e-commerce market in Poland rose by almost 35%. It is not surprising - due to the epidemiological situation, a lot of people prefer to shop online. We are also ordering more and more products from abroad. Eastern and Western markets offer us a variety of different products that are hard to find in the Polish shops. That is why, it may be advantageous for entrepreneurs to consider selling their products on the Internet. The question is – which platform is the best to choose? Is it better to choose the already well-known Allegro that has been undoubtedly the pioneer of the Polish e-commerce market for 20 years or maybe the global giant – Amazon that has become extremely popular in almost every country in the world and dominates the Internet market? Or maybe there is no necessity to choose between them?
The advantages of Amazon seem to be evident. It is an absolute novelty on the Polish market, which gives entrepreneurs a chance to make their product visible and available to the entire world. What constitutes an additional convenience is the FBA model maintained by Amazon, which consists in storing the seller's product in a warehouse that is owned by Amazon. Thanks to this, a shop operator can buy and sell the products without having ever seen them! Thanks to a widespread network of warehouses around the world, Amazon is famous for its fast "overnight" deliveries. We cannot forget the rapid development of this corporation which on the one hand is a plus, but on the other hand... Well, every medal has two sides. The critics of Amazon suggest that there is the real risk of the arrival of its monopoly on the world e-commerce market. Unfortunately, it turns out that the retailers of smaller stores are often out of circulation because of those who possess the larger ones. The formers are often unable to sell their products for a low price or to pay commission that can reach even 15%.
Allegro, in turn, is a portal tailored to the needs of the majority of customers. It seems to be suitable for both a private seller and a wholesaler. Allegro is also more suitable for the Polish market as this is where it has been developed. Moreover, its development is more organic, which is why many people perceive this solution as safer. Another important function of Allegro is the option of bidding on the products that are sold there. This solution is often used, for instance, in charity auctions. However, for some sellers, a disadvantage of Allegro is its existence in one country and the difficulty in starting a business in the foreign markets. That is why, Allegro will be the best option for the entrepreneurs who decide to sell their products in Poland.
However, the both platforms have some common features as well, e.g. loyalty programs - Amazon Prime and Allegro Smart and mobile applications that increase the comfort of use.
The experts do not agree when it comes to the consequences that Amazon's entering the Polish e-commerce market will entail. One can definitely expect a lot of confusion and efforts of Polish sellers to keep their customers.
Is it necessary to be obliged to choose just one of these platforms then? The answer is not! You can sell your products on both platforms at the same time in an integrated manner. What may be useful in such a situation is Baselinker that will allow you to use both (or more) platforms, which in turn, will make it easier to reach a wider group of customers and, as a result, increase sales.
What is certain is that starting an e-commerce business will be profitable for every entrepreneur. Once you decide which platform you would like to use, TaxCoach will provide you with help concerning the accounting regardless of the number of sales and size of your company.