June 9 - the day of the accountant
June 9 has become a permanent fixture in the calendar as the Accounting Day. It is a day when the eyes of society are turned to this profession, and the Accounting Association in Poland rewards distinguished accountants and takes an oath from young adepts of this profession.
The Accounting Day was established by the Accountants Association in Poland, which wanted to draw attention to people who deal with accounting professionally. However, the group working in this demanding and responsible profession has a much longer history. Already in 1907, the Association of Bookkeepers was established in Warsaw, later transformed into the "Union of Accountants in Poland", and after the war into today's "Association of Accountants in Poland".
On our holiday - the Accounting Day - please accept "professional" colleagues, wishes for stability and certainty - legal regulations, taxes, accounting rules. Wishing you luck, we hope that taxes will be simpler and lower, and the rules of settlements - more precise. We hope that you will not have to reach for individual interpretations for your clients so often, and the sending of many VAT forms will finally be replaced by one, collective one. That each day of your work becomes a small holiday and gives reasons to celebrate small and bigger successes.