Further changes in VAT. What does it mean for taxpayers?

Further changes in VAT. What does it mean for taxpayers?

Further changes in VAT. What does it mean for taxpayers?

From September 2019, further restrictions on VAT will come into force. Their introduction is aimed at further tightening the tax system and minimizing the risk of taxpayers' participation in VAT carousels. The change will consist in replacing two lists kept so far by the Head of the National Revenue Administration with one list and extending it to entities registered as VAT taxpayers.

Pursuant to the Act of 12 April 2019 amending the Act on tax on goods and services and certain other acts, an amendment will be introduced to replace two lists of taxpayers currently kept pursuant to Art. 96b of the Act, with a single list that will include the information contained therein and information on the status of active and VAT-exempt VAT payers. Such a register is to make it easier for entrepreneurs to verify information about contractors.

What will be on the list?
The new list will be available on the website of the Ministry of Finance. It will allow you to check whether a given entity is registered as a VAT taxpayer. Importantly, the list will be updated on a regular basis, i.e. once a day every working day.

The list will include information on registered VAT payers, including: company name or name and surname of the taxpayer; the number by which the entity was identified for VAT purposes (if granted); REGON; the address of the seat and the numbers of settlement accounts specified in art. 49 sec. 1 point 1 of the Banking Law Act of August 29, 1997 or personal accounts in a cooperative savings and credit union opened in connection with the conducted activity.

Consequences for taxpayers
The provisions of the PIT Act were also amended. According to them, if the taxpayer, on the basis of an agreement concluded with a supplier of goods or a service provider registered as an active VAT taxpayer, will pay the amount due to an account other than that specified on the transfer order date in the above-mentioned the list, at the taxpayer's date of ordering the transfer, the revenue is determined in the amount in which the payment was made.